Center Punches
A center punch is a hand-held punch which consists of a steel rod that tapers down into a point which will be hammered into the material, indicating where the hole is to be punched or drilled. Center punches are typically used in several different applications. Some of our customers use the center punches to mark the material that they wish to punch. These marks act as targets when lining up the punch and die. Some customers also use the center punches to make a dimple in their material to serve as a guide for drilling. In this case, most of the drill bits tend to have a mind of their own unless they have a recess to start in. Center punches are known throughout the industry for their reliability and durability.
Transfer Punches
A transfer punch is a hand-held punch that consists of a steel rod that tapers down to a particular outer diameter size and has a crowned center point. It is used to tightly fit the tolerances of an existing hole in a template and when hit with a hammer, it transfers the center of that hole to another piece of material. It is commonly used to precisely set locations for threaded holes, (created by drilling and tapping), to bolt an object to a surface.
The Cleveland Punch & Die Company carries many center and transfer punches in stock! For additional information please contact one of our experienced “Green Team” members at (888)451-4342 from 7am-6pm Monday through Friday.