Thursday, October 28, 2010


Does my machine have enough tonnage to be able to punch the hole that I need to punch?

Let’s say for instance, you have a 50 ton machine and you want to punch a 5/8” round hole through 1/2” A-36 mild steel. Do you have enough tonnage? Using the formula in the chart: LTS/2000 we calculate

                           1.9635 x .500 x 60,000 =29.45 tons

This means that 29.45 tons of pressure is required to punch a 5/8” hole in 1/2” material. Your machine is 50 tons, so you will have enough tonnage to punch that hole.

For punching materials with a different shear strength than 60,000 PSI as listed in the tonnage charts, it is necessary to use a multiplier for calculating the proper amount of force required to punch the hole.

EXAMPLE: From our previous example, to punch a 5/8” round hole through ½” A-36 mild steel, the force required is 29.45 tons. If this material is stainless steel, with a shear strength of 70,000 PSI, (according to the chart below), the correct multiplier to use is 1.17 therefore;

29.45 tons x 1.17 = 34.46 tons, actual force required.

If you have any questions please contact our "Green Team" for assistance. We can be reached at 888-451-4342 from 7am to 6pm EST.

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